• dfg


    World Languages

    World Language classes are offered as elective classes and students may also complete "pathways" concentrating in specific Language programs (currently Spanish with some other languages offered online).  Pathways are state-approved career enhancement programs as a coherent, articulated sequence of three rigorous academic and career-related courses usually commencing in the 9th or 10th grade.  


    The objective of the Henry County Schools World Languages Program is to prepare our students for today's workforce and society by providing them with a personalized education that develops strong cultural and global competencies; essential components of success in the 21st century.
    The World Languages curriculum goal is to develop Henry County language learners that can demonstrate the highest levels of proficiency in Interpersonal Communication, Presentational Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening, and Interpretive Reading Skills in the areas of "Communications, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities." As a result, Henry County language learners will be able to apply World Languages skills aqcuired beyond the instructional setting and "bring a global competence to their future careers and experiences."

    In a world that is increasingly interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Success depends in large measure on the ability of an individual to function as a member of a global village whose members speak a variety of languages. Learning world languages is no longer a pastime: it is a necessity. How does learning a world language help you to meet today’s challenges?




    The Study of a World Language


    • helps you to expand your view of the world
    • encourages critical reflection on the relation between language and culture, language and thought
    • expands your opportunities for meaningful leisure activities (such as travel, viewing foreign language films, watching foreign TV programs)
    • develops your intellect (encouraging good learning habits, memorization, combining course content and skills in a meaningful way)
    • improves knowledge of the native language (through comparison and contrast with the foreign language)
    • exposes you to modes of thought and viewpoints that are available only in the foreign language and its culture
    • helps to build practical skills that may be used in other disciplines
    • fosters your understanding of the interrelation between language and human nature
    • teaches and encourages respect for other ethnic groups
    • contributes to the development of your personality
    • contributes to the achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security
    • increases your sense of self worth. Speaking Italian or Spanish to your grandmother or ordering in French at a French restaurant will do wonders for your ego!


    World Language Department Teachers
    Click on a teacher's name to be redirected to their class web page.
    Monica Curry | Department Chair