Honors Algebra II

  • Supply List

    • TI-84 graphing calculator (there is an emulator on your chromebook)
    • 3 ring binder (1)
    • Dividers (either 5 or 8 dividers) (if desired)
    • Notebook Paper
    • Writing Utensils
    • Dry Erase Markers (to write on the desk if desired)



  • Syllabus

    Honors Algebra II Syllabus 2021-2022

    When you finish reading through the syllabus with your student please be sure to complete the Google Form at the end of the syllabus.




    2nd period     @ughonalg22

    4th period      @ughonalg24

    6th period      @ughonalg26

    7th period      @ughonalg27


  • Tutoring

    I am available from 7:45 AM until 8:15 AM every morning and 3:15 PM until 3:45 PM every afternoon (unless I have a meeting).  Please send me an email or message me on Remind before you come!