• Welcome to my page! My name is Carly Rusk and I am one of the Physical Education teachers here at RCE. I have been teaching for quite some time now, but this is my seventh year of PE. I absolutely love it! I hope to teach our students many fun ways to stay active in their everyday life. I think if they develop a healthy lifestyle now, it will be much easier to maintain it as they get older. Be sure to check back for ideas you can use at home for some family fitness time!  
    A few things about me... I love fitness and I try to work out most days after school! My husband and I love to get away to the beach or Savannah as often as we can. I have two bonus daughters who are both in middle school. We have a small herd of animals at our house and I love them all dearly! I have a new name this year, so say goodbye to Coach Long and hello to Coach Rusk! 