
English to Speakers of Other Languages- (ESOL)

  • There are approximately 900 students identified as English Learners (ELs) in Henry County Schools. Over 80% of our ELs are in elementary schools. Approximately 15% are in secondary schools. There are 25 ESOL teachers in the district. There are over 26 languages represented in our EL population.

    When a student enrolls in Henry County Schools and indicates a language other than English on the Home Language Survey or registration form, eligibility screening for language services must begin. Georgia is a member of the WIDA Consortium. All members of the WIDA Consortium utilize the same screeners to assess eligibility for language assistance services. Henry County uses the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT).

    Models of instruction for language support programs within the district include the following:

    • Pull-out model – students are taken out of a general education class for the purpose of receiving small group language instruction from the ESOL teacher,
    • Push-in model (within reading, language arts, mathematics, science or social studies) – students remain in their core academic class where they receive content instruction from their content area teacher along with targeted language instruction from the ESOL teacher,
    • scheduled class period of content instruction or language acquisition instruction/support – students at the middle and high school levels receive language assistance and/or content instruction in a class composed only of ELs.


    Luella High School's ESOL instructional program consists of plans of instruction which are adapted to the English language proficiency of students and are designed to develop: 1) listening, speaking, reading, writing and American cultural concepts as well as 2) the language of academic instruction used in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. 


    Georgia Department of Education Online Resources for ESOL (Please use "No Account Required" Online Resources only):

    GaDOE Online Resources for ESOL

     GaDOE Suggestions for Online ESOL Classes- Remote Learning

    Additional approved online resources for ESOL Remote Learning:

    Additional ESOL resources for Remote Learning

    GaDOE Links & Resources: