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Spanish Dictionary
A dictionary is always an important tool when learning a language, and none other is more comprehensive and qualified than this dictionary by the Real Academia Española.
America Reads Spanish 2.0
The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) and the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (FGEE) have developed the campaign America Reads Spanish, aimed to increase the use and reading of Spanish through the thousands of libraries, schools and book stores of the US. At the America Reads Spanish website you can learn about recently published books, listen to interviews with authors and hear Hispanic celebrities discuss reading in Spanish in the U.S. as well as sign up for the free America Reads Spanish newsletter.
Fluentu uses short YouTube videos with authentic content to provide an immersion based online language learning platform. The video clips are classified by proficiency level of the learner and by genre. There are bilingual subtitles for all clips and a hover-over dictionary as well as a learning center where students can study all the vocabulary from each video with a built-in flashcard system.Spanish Audio
Fluency Prof includes legends and dialogues with audio recorded at normal and slow rates of speech. Each audio is accompanied by cloze activities. This website was created by Ricardo and Kelly Várguez, two teachers from Nebraska.