• Management of Medical Conditions While At School:
    LGHS has a full-time Clinic Aide on campus as well as the Cluster Nurse.  She will handle all student medical needs and questions.
    The Clinic will be located in Room 126.   
    Taking medication (prescription and over-the-counter) during school hours is discouraged, but if the student needs medication at school, a parent/guardian must complete a Henry County Schools Student Health Medication Authorization Form.  All medications MUST be in the original container and will be stored in the Clinic Aides office.  Medications taken three times a day can be taken before school, after school and at bedtime. 
    Medications in envelopes or baggies will not be accepted.  Students with Chronic Medical Backgrounds must have a current Health Plan on file with the Clinic Aide or Cluster Nurse.  These plans help provide the medical information needed to best care for your child while at school, and they must be updated yearly.  Students who are required to carry an inhaler with them throughout the school day must have an Asthma Action Plan on file signed by the physician as well as the parents.
    Below is a link to the various Health Plans:
    Medical treatment provided to ill or injured students is limited to basic first aid.  Emergency medical services will be called in the event that a student requires further medical attention.  School policy does not permit the school to dispense medication to students.  The school will provide no internal medication, including aspirin.
Last Modified on July 29, 2024