• Welcome Chad Crawford to Our Web Page
    Teacher Name: Coach Crawford
    School Email Address: Michael.crawford@henry.k12.ga.us
    Subjects I Teach: EBD Teacher (Emotional Behavior Disorder)
    Welcome Message
     Hello Everyone and Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!! 
    All classroom information, assignments, and Google meets links will be done through Google Classroom. 
    You can contact me by email. 
    I look forward to continuing to build relationships with our returning and new students in our EBD classroom. I want my parents to understand that I have an open-door policy and try to communicate with you about your child as much as possible. I look forward to working with your child on their emotional, social and learning skills throughout the year. I am extremely excited about starting the new school year and getting to work with your child.
    Hope to see everyone at open house.
    Chad Crawford
    EBD Teacher
    Head Girls Flag Football Coach
    Head Varsity Baseball Coach