• School Attendance & Driving:
    (What Students and Parents Should Know)

    Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act


    Effective July 1, 2015, schools will simply have to certify that a student is enrolled in and not under expulsion from a public or private school to be eligible for a driver's license or learner's permit.   
    Georgia Code Section 40-5-22, Georgia’s Teen-age and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TAADRA) of 1997, requires that local school systems certify that a student’s attendance pattern and discipline record permits him or her to have a Georgia learner’s permit or driver’s license. The Henry County Board of Education also addresses this law in the Student and Parent Handbook p. 26.  A student is in violation of this law and therefore becomes non-compliant:
    • When they drop out of school and remain out of school without graduating. 
    It is the duty of the attendance clerk to submit the names of those students who are in non-compliance for revocation of a drivers permit or drivers license.   Parents can visit www.dds.ga.gov/teens for more information on the TAADRA Law and follow this link to FAQ's about TAADRA: TAADRA FAQ's




    Student Driver/Parking Information

    Parking is a privilege that can be revoked or suspended as a result of truancy and excessive tardiness.   Any student who accrues excessive tardies and/or absences, fails to follow proper check-in/check-out procedures, is caught being in an unauthorized area, transports other student(s) off campus without permission, or breaks an attendance contract will lose their parking privilege for the remainder of the school year.


    Students that accumulate 5 unexcused tardies will face the following consequence:


    5 UNEX School Tardies = 2 days of ISS


    8 UNEX School Tardies = Parking Suspension and Administrative Conference


    10 or more UNEX School Tardies = Permanent Parking Suspension and Parent Conference


    No refund will be provided for suspended parking privileges.


    Upon accumulating 10 absences (excused and/or unexcused), the permit holder's privilege to park will be reviewed by administration.  If deemed necessary, parking may be revoked until the student and parents have a conference with an administrator.  No refund will be provided for suspended parking privileges.  

Last Modified on July 27, 2024