• Henry County High School

    Extracurricular Activities Guidelines

    for Coaches and Students
    A.         Eligibility/Participation paperwork (available from Coach Rhonda or in front office):

    1.         Should be completed before practices/try-outs start.  The absolute deadline will be the day after try-outs end.  Students will not participate until entire packet is complete.

    2.         Procedure: Turn in completed papers (includes-physical, release, conduct, weather, insurance), to your coach or club sponsor.

    3.         Student Insurance is available for those without any.  You must have this in order to participate.

    4.         Scholastic Standing – GHSA regulations 

    a. Carnegie units – must comply with GHSA stipulations

    b. students can only participate for a maximum of 8 semesters

    B.      General Athletic Policies:

    a)      Students may not participate in extra-curricular activities (practice or play) if they have other fees owed (i.e. other sports’ fees, other extra-curricular fees, textbooks, etc.)

    b)      Students may not participate (practice or play) if they are assigned in-house or out-of-school suspension

    c)      Students must be present at least 3 periods of the day in order to practice or play.  Doctor’s visit, college day, family emergencies, etc. are the exception only if they are verifiable, excused absences.

    d)      Students are responsible for all equipment, uniforms, etc. issued to them and must return these items in usable shape or pay to replace them.

    e)      Procedures for parents/students to talk to the coach/sponsor about concerns.  Students and parents must attempt to speak with the coach/sponsor about their concern before they contact the Athletic Director or Principal

    C.         Booster Clubs

    1.         The Head Coach/Sponsor  is the person responsible for his/her Booster Club.  This includes making sure the Club operates by GHSA, Henry County Board of Education, and Henry County High School rules and regulations.

    2.         Each Club will have a slate of officers that are selected by the Head Coach/sponsor.

    3.         Each Club will operate with a purchase order system

    4.         All fundraising activities must be approved by the AD and Principal

    5.         The Board of Education policies will regulate how Clubs operate.

    6.         Provide the AD/Principal with a list of the Booster Club Officers names and phone numbers.

    7.         Provide the AD/Principal with a schedule of the Booster Club’s planned meetings.

    D.        Student/athlete delinquent fees

    1.         If a student-athlete has unpaid fees from another sport, extra-curricular activity, or for lost textbooks and the like, he/she may not participate in any extra-curricular activity, including sports, until these delinquent fees are paid in full.

    2.         This includes all try-outs.

    3.         This includes any school function, including Prom.

    E.         Facilities

    1.         No person or group is to use our facilities without getting approval from the Athletic Director/Principal.

    2.         Maintenance requests – write down your needs and give to the AD.

    F.          Extra-curricular Activities Accounts (finances)

    1.         There is no deficit spending!  If your account does not have the money, don’t purchase anything.  You must have the AD/Principal’s signature on all purchase orders prior to ordering anything.

    2.         It is the Head Coach/sponsor’s responsibility (along with his/her Booster Club) to collect all fees and raise monies to support their respective team(s).

    3.         “Activity Fee” – As of this time, the fee and its collection will remain the same for all athletic teams.

    G.        Academic Mentoring (tracking students involved in extra-curricular activities)

    1.         Program outlining a means to student-athlete achievement

    2.         Includes:  location(s), times, & dates.

    3.         Includes:  method for tracking progress, viable tutoring opportunities, & high academic expectations.

    4.         Includes:  collaborative system with HCHS academic community.

    L.          Emergencies

    1.         Please have in place an emergency plan to handle situations if a student gets hurt.

    2.         If coaching/sponsoring an outdoor sport/activity, please be aware of GHSA and Henry County Board of Education policies regarding extreme heat and weather.

    3.         Have a plan to handle fights, etc.

Last Modified on November 14, 2011