Welcome to Chemistry
Mrs. Lowman
Science Department Chair
Henry County High School
School Email Address:cherl.lowman@henry.k12.ga.us
Subjects I Teach: General Chemistry, Honors Chemistry
Georgia State University: Bachelor of Science Major: Biology Minor: chemistry
Mercer University: Education classes
Cambridge University: Masters Curriculum and Instruction
Georgia Teacher Certification: Biology (6-12) SRT (6-12)
Gifted in Field
AP Biology
General Information:
There is a page for each subject that is being taught as well as links to important documents the students will need.
A syllabus is attached for each subject .
I have attached the lab safety form that each student will need to have on file, Please print a copy out for your records and send a copy back to me signed with appropriate phone numbers. This is for emergency purposes only.
Please review behavior students should have anytime they are in a lab environment. Failure to follow these rules will result in the student not being able to participate in the laboratory experience.
All students should come to class prepared. That means they should have paper and pencil every day and should not rely on someone else to provide this for them!