ELA: Martin, Jamilla | #136/138/422
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Ninth Grade English Syllabus
General Course Information:
Instructor: Jamilla Martin Room 136 and 138
Email: jamilla.martin@henry.k12.ga.us
Seize the Day Philosophy: This school year, I will ask you to challenge yourself, and I will push you to take personal responsibility for your education while being inspired to think creatively and critically. In school, like in life, we should strive to become life-long learners to fulfill our dreams and reach our fullest potential. So everyday, you should come into class with the attitude that you are working to fulfill your dreams and improve your life now and in the future. So, seize the day, and seize the opportunity to the best you can be. If you have that attitude, you will do well in my class.
Grading Scale:
A= 90-100 B=80-89 C=74-79 D=70-73 F=Below 70
Grading Policy:
Tests/Papers/Projects/Quizzes 40%
Daily/Homework/Participation 40%
Semester Average 80%
Final Exam or EOCT 20%
A final exam will be given at the end of each semester; second semester it will consist of an End Of Course Test given and scored by the State. The grade will be averaged into the course average at the end of each semester.
Rules and Routine:
- Be on time to class.
- Be respectful, responsible, and reasonable in making your own decisions for your own behavior.
- Be respectful to yourself , me, and to others
- Be responsible for your class assignments
- Be reasonable
- Participate in classroom activities and assignments.
Academic Honesty: Cheating/ Plagiarism is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating or plagiarizing will be notified and I will adhere to the Student Handbook for consequences.
For this course, cheating is defined as, but not limited to the following:
- Copying anyone’s answers to assigned work
- Taking any information, verbatim for any source, including the internet, without giving proper credit to the author
- Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz.
- Having available any study notes or other test aides during a test without the teacher’s permission.
- Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.
McDonough High School English Department
Teacher: Ms. Jamilla Martin
By signing below you indicate your agreement to the following:
- I have read and understand the academic integrity policy.
- I have reviewed the class syllabus and understand the grading policy.
- I give permission for my child to view G, PG, or PG-13 movies if they are related to the curriculum of the class.
- I will review with my child his/ her parallel reading choices ( choice lists to be given at a later date)
- I am willing to be contacted by email.
- I have access to the internet and will access Infinite Campus to check my child’s progress. I understand that teachers will make every effort to post grades within two weeks of accepting the assignment, but that posting grades for larger papers and projects may take extended time beyond the two week frame.
Student Name_____________________________ ( please print) Class Period________
Parent(s) Name________________________________________________________________
Student Signature_______________________________________ Date __________________
Parent Signature_______________________________________ Date __________________
Student Email ( if available) ____________________________________________________
Parent’s Email_______________________________________________________________