7-03 (7S) SCI - Dr. Strange, Theo
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Support Your Child
Your child wants to succeed in school. With these tips in mind, you can increase your support of your son and/or daughter.
1. Communicate to your child the importance of education.
2. Build up your child's confidence and self-esteem.
3. Work with your child to help him or her develop a positive attitude about school and assignments for class.
4. Provide encouragement to your child whenever possible.
5. Be available to discuss problems your child is having, whether they are large or small.
7. Set up a schedule for home that includes a balance of work, play, and study.
8. Establish a time for sharing and caring weekly.
9. Take part in your child's education by being active in his or her school in attending PTO meetings, Student Programs for the School, Student Lead Conferences and communicating with teachers through email or the agenda.
10. Show your love and affection to your child EACH AND EVERY DAY! They are very special!