
    Click below to read detailed information related to School Council By-laws and Code of Ethics.


    By-laws and Code of Ethics

    The A+ Education Reform Act of 2000 established school councils in Georgia to "bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to:

    • solve difficult education problems,

    • improve academic achievement,

    • provide support for teachers and administrators, and

    • bring parents into the school-based decision-making process.

    • help boards of education nurture participation

    • share ideas for school improvement

    Best Practices:

    • Function as a team

    • Focus on steady, continuous improvement in student and school performance

    • Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues.

    • Seek consensus when making decisions

    • Foster effective two-way communication and a sense of trust among members of the school community.

    • Regularly participate in council meetings

    • Stay informed about system-level plans and performance.

    School councils are authorized to:

    Provide advice, recommendations to the principal, local board of education, and superintendent on matters relating to student achievement and school improvement.  The law details the composition of the council, its responsibilities and procedures for conducting business. 

    • School Improvement Plans

    • Curriculum and Assessments

    • School Budget Priorities

    • School - Community Communication Strategies

    • Parent and Community Involvement

    • Student Discipline, Attendance, Support Services

    • Participate in the Principal Selection Process

    • School District Policies, Plans, and Budgets


    Who serves on a school council?

    School councils are comprised of a minimum of seven council members:

    • The principal

    • Four parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school, two of who are business persons.

    • Excludes school employees who are parents/guardians of students enrolled in the employee's school.

    • Parents must make up the majority of the council.

    • At least two certified teachers, excluding any personnel employed in administrative positions, who are employed at least four of the six school segments at the school.

    Elections/Terms of Office

    • Bylaws specify elections will occur in May, July, or August

    • Must give public notice two weeks prior to elections

    • Principal calls a meeting of electing bodies

    • Parents of students enrolled in the school will elect the parent representatives

    • Certificated staff (teachers, counselors, media specilists) employed at the school will elect the teacher representatives.

    • Members serve two year-terms, unless filling a vacancy

    • Terms should be staggered

    • Terms officially begin on or after July 1 and end of June 30.


    Officers shall be elected at the first meeting following election of council members.

    • Chairperson - must be a parent member, collaborates with principal to develop meeting agendas, leads school council meetings

    • Vice-Chairperson - fulfills the Chairperson's duties in their absence

    • Secretary - acts as clerk of the council; records all votes and minutes.

    The Principal's Role:

    • The designated leader of the school.

    • Manages meeting notices and other legal requirements pertaining to school councils.

    • Works with the council to set the meeting agenda.

    • Submits the school improvement plan, performance results, and other pertinent information for school council review and recommendation.

    • Builds capacity of council members to advance student and school success.

    • Communnicates council requests for information and assistance from the district office.

    Meeting Notice

    • GA law requires 4 meetings per year - HCS bylaws require 8

    • Council members must be notified by mail at least 7 days in advance of a meeting

    • Meetings chall be announced to public at least 24 hours in advance

    Open Meetings

    • A meeting is defined as a gathering of a quorum of the members of the school council at which any public matter, official business, or policy is to be discussed with official actions taken.

    • All meetings are open to public attendance

    • Councils must determine if/how to allow for public participation at meetings (opportunity to address the council)

    • School councils have no need for executive session (discussion that is closed to the public)


    • Minutes shall include:  Names of members present, a summary of the subjects acted on (the meeting agenda), a description of each motion made and the identifiy of the persons making and seconding the motion, a record of all votes

    • Minutes reflect the business actions of the council - NOT the comments of individual members in the course of discussion.

    • At it's next meeting the council must review, amend and approve the minutes from the previous meeting, thus establishing official minutes.

    • The council secretary must make official minutes available to the public.  Best practice is to post official minutes on the school website.

    What are the roles and responsibilities of council members?

    All members of the school council must:

    • Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues

    • Regularly participate in council meetings

    • Participate in information and training programs

    • Act as a link between the school council and the community

    • Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community and

    • work to improve student achievement and performance


Last Modified on September 7, 2018