• Georgia Milestone Assessment Information Click Here
    Georgia Milestones represents a significant change and importantly – an opportunity for our state. This opportunity allows us to recalibrate, as a state, and refocus on teaching and learning as a primary emphasis with assessment and accountability serving a supporting role. 
    Features include:
    – inclusion of constructed-response items in ELA and mathematics, in addition to selected-response items 
    – inclusion of a writing component (in response to text) at every grade level and course within the ELA assessment;
    – inclusion of norm-referenced items in every grade and content area to complement the criterion-referenced information and to provide a national comparison; and transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the primary mode of administration and paper-pencil back-up until transition is completed. 
    Blended: Criterion-Referenced and Norm-Referenced Georgia Milestones will provide:
    – criterion-referenced performance information in the form of four performance levels, depicting students’ mastery of state standards
    – norm-referenced performance information in the form of national percentiles, depicting how students’ achievement compares to peers nationally 
    Selected-Response [aka, multiple-choice]
    – all content areas
    – evidence-based selected response in ELA
    • Constructed-Response
    – ELA and mathematics
    • Extended-Response
    – ELA and mathematics
    • Technology Enhanced

Last Modified on January 13, 2017