Parents/Guardians,If your student has a medical condition or needs to take medicine during school hours, please print out the appropriate form below, fill it out and bring it to the front office in the morning.The asthma action plan gives details of your student's care should he/she have an asthma attack while at school. What brings on the attack? What medications does he/she take? This form provides this information to ELMS.Do you have a student with Diabetes? Every year we need to update the care plan for diabetic students. Have the ratios changed? Complete this form and return it to the front office.Does your student have a health concern that we might need more detailed information about? Here is a form for you to complete. It has a section for the doctor to complete--giving detailed instructions for ELMS to follow.This form will be used to provide information regarding any medication that your student will need to take while at school. Whether prescription or over-the-counter medication, all medicine requires WRITTEN permission from the parent/guardian before it can be given at school. All medications should be brought to school by the parent/guardian. PLEASE do not send medication to school with your student.If your student has a history of seizures, this is the form for you. The information here can provide valuable information should your student have a seizure while at school.
Written Authorization for Self Administration of Medications
This form is mandatory for students to be able to carry their Asthma Inhalers, Diastat, Intranasal Versed, Epi-Pen, or Diabetes supplies. A physician must complete and sign this form.
If your student has severe allergic reactions to any allergen, please use this form to tell us how to treat your child in an emergency situation.
Last Modified on September 4, 2024