• Brain Quest- Take the Brain Quest challenge http://www.brainquest.com/kids
    • Puzzle Parlor- Interactive games and puzzles http://www.gamepuzzles.com/pparlor/puzzleparlmm.html
    • Puzzle Playground- A treasury of classic and modern puzzles http://www.puzzles.com/PuzzlePlayground/WelcomeToPuzzlePlayground.htm 
    •  Mystery Master Logic Puzzles http://www.mysterymaster.com/puzzles.html
    • Scholastic Games and Puzzles http://www.scholastic.com/kids/stacks/games/
    • Conceptis Logic Puzzles http://www.conceptispuzzles.com/
    • Towers of Hanoi- An interactive version of the ancient logic puzzle http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=40 Sharp Brains- Top 50 brain teasers http://www.sharpbrains.com/teasers/
    • Puzzlemaker by Discovery Education- Create your own puzzles http://www.discoveryeducation.com/free-puzzlemaker/?CFID=13729171&CFTOKEN=69868598
    • The Grey Labrynth- Can you solve the unsolved puzzles? http://www.greylabyrinth.com/puzzles
    • Puzzle Soup- Daily puzzles, wordles and more! http://www.puzzlesoup.com/