Dutchtown Elementary
Mission Statement
Dutchtown Elementary is a learning community that’s committed to using all resources wisely to ensure that all members are nurtured and achieve at high levels as measured by local, state, and national standards. “We are a Family of Learners”.
Our Beliefs
1. WE will recognize the unique learning needs of all students and address these needs by providing ample opportunities for mastery of standards.
2. WE will effectively and consistently communicate our expectations regarding behavior and academics.
3. WE will be available and open to communicate and collaborate with others.
4. WE will be flexible and nurturing in our approach to education and open to change.
5. WE will demonstrate courtesy and respect in all of our interactions.
Dutchtown Elementary School VisionDutchtown Elementary will be a high performing school where
· High expectations are promoted
· Students are responsible learners
· Parents are supportive
· Teachers work collaboratively
· Students are being prepared for Global Proficiency