Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Davis
WELCOME: Welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Ms. Davis. I’m so happy to be your 3rd grade teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. I have spent the last two years in Fayette County as a kindergarten paraprofessional. This is my first year as a teacher at Dutchtown, and I am so very excited!
ABOUT ME: I live in Fayetteville with my family. I have my Bachelor’s in elementary education as well as my Master’s in Elementary Education from Mercer University. I love reading books, going to concerts, traveling, and being outdoors with my family. I also coach a youth soccer team.
Food : Mexican
Snack: Puff’d Cheez-Its
Drink: Iced Coffee
Movie: Hocus Pocus
Flower: Tulip
Game: Uno
Book: Anything &
Sport: Soccer
Candy: Sour Gummy Worms
Store: Target
Music: Taylor Swift
Color: Pink & Light Blue
Hobby: Reading & Hiking