2022-2023 Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
Morning Drop-Off1. Please drop students off at the curbside closest to the building. We will have adult supervision to assist with car doors and traffic control.
2. As you pull in the drop-off lane, please pull down past the sixth column so that other cars may line up behind you. An adult will assist in directing you where to stop. Please follow the instructions of the monitor.
3. For safety reasons, please do not allow your children to exit from the driver side door.
4. Please do not allow your children to walk/run between cars in the drop-off or pick up line.
5. So that our line can proceed in an orderly manner, please limit conversation while your child is exiting the car. This will also reduce the number of students who arrive after the 7:35 tardy bell has rung.
6. As you stop to release your child, please do not block the crosswalk. Again, please follow the direction of our monitors.
7. Please do not park your car in the pick-up/drop-off lane.
Afternoon Pick-UpNote: If you do not have a car tag, you MUST come into the office with a picture ID to receive a check-out slip.
Car Riders
- Two lanes will be used for afternoon dismissal. Cars will be lined-up in both lanes and directed by a color that will be displayed by a colored cone and card.
- Cones are aligned by color in the following order: PURPLE, YELLOW, RED, GREEN, BLUE, and ORANGE
- Parents are to pull up next to a cone as they move into the loading zone. Two cars should be loaded for each cone at a time (two cars for the purple cone; two cars for the yellow cone, etc...)
- Each card is affiliated with colored cards that will be posted in the loading zone on each brick pillar.
- Once parents pull into the loading zone, teachers will call out the student's number and direct him or her to the color-coded card where the car is waiting.
- Twelve cars will be loaded at a time (two per color). Teachers cannot walk students to cars outside the loading zone.
- Once cars are loaded, they will be motioned to leave and the next twelve cars will be loaded.
- DO NOT block the crosswalk.
- Please display car tags on rearview mirrors at all times.
- Please watch for directions being given by the teachers to move forward.
- DO NOT pull forward until directed to do so.
Change of Transportation-
Students are to bring change of transportation notes to the front office at the beginning of the school day.
The note must include the parent/guardian signature and telephone number for verification.
Front office personal will call parents/guardians to verify the change.
No change of transportation will be accepted over the telephone or by e-mail.
Check-OutsPlease make plans to check-out your child no later than 1:45 PM.Thank you for your cooperation and have a great Dutchtown day!!