• Electronic (e) book checkouts

    Go to DES Media Catalog (in school or at home) Icons are located on the desktop at school and on the school website at https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/site/default.aspx?DomainID=2239

    Log on to your account using the icon in the upper right hand that says login.

    User name is your student ID number

    Password is your first initial of first name, first initial of last name and birthdate in the format of two numbers for month two numbers for day and two numbers for year For example January 14, 2004 would be 011404.

    1.       Go the catalog tab at the top of the page and then click on Follett Shelf on the left hand side.

    2.       Look for books and checkout the one you want

    3.       When you go back to Destiny and you are still logged in, you can see under my info what you have checked out-  books and e-books

    4.       Read the books by going into your Destiny account and the Follett shelf or download the Follett Reader App (instructions below)

    Follett Shelf Reader

    For a laptop or desktop computer go to this website:


    For a tablet, android device or IPad/ IPod device go to thiswebsite:  do a search for Follett Shelfapp and get this site below.


    Click on the appropriate type of device you have to get the correctapp. Once the reader is installed.  Thescreen below pops up and you need to type wbb33622 as shown for it to go to ourcollection and your account.  Then typeyour user name and password on the appropriate line.

    Follett Digital reader                                                     Enlight



    Once you are in the Follett digital reader, then you canread your books that are checked out on-line or download to device. (You canonly download on one device at a time but can read it on-line if you have itdownloaded to a device already.