• Beta Club Commitment Contract


    The Beta Club is a nationally recognized association for academically successful student leaders. To uphold this distinguished standing, members must subscribe to the following criteria:

    Student must maintain a 3.5 grade point average (Unweighted). Senior Beta Club members can receive Beta honor cords if they hold a GPA of 3.7 or higher (unweighted) upon graduation.

    Student may not have repeat discipline referrals. One discipline referral will result in a conference between the sponsors, club president, and Beta member. If additional referrals occur the student may be removed from the club.

    Student must complete 20 service hours during the school year. These will be signed off by the adult coordinating the event. All SERVICE HOURS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE BETA CLUB SPONSOR PRIOR TO COMPLETION. (See the attached list of approved service activities and suggestions.) Students are expected to render at least 50% of their service hours within Luella on activities assigned by the Beta Club sponsor. In addition two outside activities will also be assigned by the sponsor. These are mandatory activities. Hours of service beyond these two requirements can be individually arranged for by the members. The sponsor can also help with the name and address of the organizations wherein Beta Club members can serve.

    Student will turn in 250 soda tabs to be donated to the Ronald McDonald charity. (This will not count as service hours but rather a separate requirement for membership.)Beta Club members will also donate one new toy per year for donation of toys to the 

    Attendance at all Beta Club Meetings. If an absence occurs, the member must present a signed excuse. Accepted excuses are a note from a coach or from a parent (only 1 per semester permitted). If circumstances beyond your control occur, permission from the Beta Club Sponsor can override this requirement. In effort to make the attendance requirement more obtainable by athletes and students involved in the work program, there will be an alternative morning meeting following each after-school Beta meeting. 

    Participation in the fundraisers. (There will be at most 2 fundraising events.)

    Participation in (at least) one of the charity events sponsored by Beta Club per semester.



    I, ______________________________, agree to the above requirements and conditions to maintain membership in the Luella High School Beta Club. If I do not meet these requirements I understand that I will lose my status as an active member of the Luella High School Beta Club.

    Student’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________

    Parent’s Name: _____________________________________ (please print)

    Parent’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________

Last Modified on August 28, 2020