• hgfc  


    What is Mock Trial?
    The mock trial program is a national program that was started in Jonesboro, Georgia, to allow high school students to experience the how a conflict between opposing parties is taken to trial. Mock trial is structured just like a real court and bound by the same rules.  Students learn exactly what each of the different people in a court (judges, lawyers, witnesses, etc.) do in the judicial system. A team consists of at least 12-14 students who take on the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and timekeepers. Local attorneys volunteer to guide and teach students the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. State Court Judge Ben Studdard provides his law clerk as a coach for the Luella High School Team.
    Mock Trial meets 1-2 or more days per week depending on how close we are to a competition. Initially, Mock Trial meets on Wednesdays in room 115 at 3:45-5pm and later. Once the competition case is released in early October, the team meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. As the season progresses, there are practices during school breaks and weekends in January. The competition case is released in October and is available to team members by password. on the Georgia Mock Trial website.  Students must join mock trial by the time the case is released to participate. The regional competition is all day on the last Saturday in January at the Henry County Judicial Center in McDonough. The district competition is in February, the State Competition is in March, and the national mock trial competes in May.
    This year's competition case will be a civil case and students will serve on either the defense or the plaintiff. During the next competition year, the case will be criminal. Each type of case has a different burden of proof.
    Freshman who participate for all four years receive a special award/recognition from the State Bar of Georgia.   

    Georgia Schools claimed National Champions in 1995, 1999, 2007 & 2008

    General Information about the Georgia Mock Trial Competition



    Faculty Sponsor: Ms. Stephanie Caywood | stephanie.caywood@henry.k12.ga.us

Last Modified on August 28, 2020