Teacher Name: Mr. Bevin John
Subjects I Teach: World History | AP human Geography
Hello Students and Parents,
Welcome to school year 2020 - 2021! My name is Mr. John and I teach AP Human Geography as well as World History at Luella High School. This is my 26th year in education and my 14th year here at Luella High school. I am exited about this new and eager to introduce my students to both World History and AP Human Geography. On Google Classroom you will find assignments we have covered as well as future assignments. Assignments are aranged my units. Please feel free to contact me at any time. The best way to reach me is my email using the address listed at the top of this page. I urge parents as well was students to keep a watchful eye on grades entered in Infinite Campus.
Thank you for visiting,
Mr. John
Luella High School