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ATTENDANCE IS KEY!!!Students may arrive at school as early as 7:10.Breakfast is served from 7:10 - 7:35.Students who arrive after 7:35 must be accompanied by an adult to sign in at the front office.
Here are some tips to avoid being tardy:
- Make sure your child has everything together before you pull to the front of the building.
- Leave 10 minutes earlier when there is bad weather.
- Get your child an alarm clock and begin to train him or her to be responsible for rising when the alarm goes off.
- Don’t EVER let a child wait until the morning to do homework, get papers signed, or pack a lunch!
- Choose and lay out clothing for the next day before going to bed.
- If you simply cannot get your child here on time, consider having them ride the bus, if possible.
- Let your child eat breakfast at school and avoid the morning hassle!