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    Dutchtown Elementary School

    Student Council Constitution and By- Laws



    Student Council Statement:

    The Student Council develops and supports special projects to enhance and improve our school. Students from grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th will participate in our Student Council program.

    Article (1) Name & Purpose:

    Section 1: The name of the organization shall be called “Dutchtown Elementary School” Student Council. (Henceforth to be called the “Student Council”)

    Section 2: The Student Council shall meet to organize and carry out school wide activities that are of interest to the students.

    Section 3: The Student Council shall create and encourage student enthusiasm through active participation in school activities

    Section 4: The Student Council shall maintain a safe and enjoyable learning environment for the school community.

    Section 5: The Student Council shall raise money through fund-raising activities to meet their particular goals and on-going school and community projects.

    Section 6: The Student Council shall submit all projected programs, events and activities to the school advisor, Mrs. Carpenter, or principal, Dr. Johnson for final recommendation and approval.

    Article 11- Membership

    Section 1: Membership will consist of students from “Dutchtown Elementary School”.

    Article 111- Meetings

    Section 1: The Student Council shall meet the first and last Thursday of every month from 2:45-4:00.

    Section 2: Every Student Council meeting shall be held in Mrs. Carpenter’s classroom

    unless otherwise announced.

    Section 3: The Student Council President or advisor may call a special meeting at any time he/she may deem proper.

    Section 4: A Representative from each 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade shall relay every meeting’s proposed activities to their respective class.

    Article 1V- Student Council/ Organization

    Section 1: The Student Council shall have one (1) President, one (1) Vice-President,  

    one (1) Treasurer, one (1) Secretary.

    Section 2: In the event that no student wishes to run for office, the Principal and the teachers reserve the right to appoint a qualified student to a position.

    Section 3: All foregoing executive positions shall be chosen through popular ballot.

    Section 4: There shall be one (1) representative and one (1) alternate representative from each class in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. They shall be voted into position by nominations within their own class. They shall be the voice of their representative class.

    Section 5: The Student Council shall be responsible for overall direction and accountability of the Student Activities Fund.

    Section 6: There shall be an adult sponsor/advisor that will assist, monitor and supervise every activity of the Student Council.

    Section 7: Term- All Student Council officers shall serve for one year, but are eligible for reelection.

    Section 8: Quorum- A quorum must be attended by at least three (3) members of the Student Council before business or motions can be made or passed.

    Article V- Duties and Responsibilities

    Section 1: President: The President will lead Student Council meetings, relay Student Council information to school administration, meet with advisors to plan and implement Student Council activities, work with PTSO and attend PTSO meetings and other duties as assigned.

    Section 2: Vice-President: The Vice-President will assist the President in leading Student Council meetings, relay Student Council information to school administration, meet with advisors to plan and implement Student Council activities, and other duties as assigned.

    Section 3: Secretary: The Secretary will take minutes of each Student Council meeting, meet with advisors and other officers to prepare agendas for Student Council meetings, and other duties as assigned.

    Section 4: Treasurer: The Treasurer will keep track of money earned from fund raisers and money spent, report treasury information to Student Council members at each meeting, consult with Student Council advisors regarding money, and other duties as assigned.

    Article V1- Vacancies

    Section 1: If a vacancy occurs in the Student Council, the executive officers of the Council, working with the advisor, will appoint a qualified student for the position. Such position will only be effective for the remaining balance of the term.

    Article V11- Resignation, Terminations and Absences

    Section 1: Resignation from the Student Council shall be made in writing and shall have the approval of the President and Advisor after due deliberations.

    Section 2: A Student Council member shall be dropped from the Council after an accrued five (5) unexcused absences. A member may also be removed from office for other reasons by a three fourths vote of the remaining members.

    ****Taken and edited from:  http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/sacosta/files/Student%20Council%20By-Laws.pdf