Welcome to BES Music
Click here to view the Welcome Video
Mr. Desmond Tarplin
email: desmond.tarplin@henry.k12.ga.us
I would like to welcome all of you to Mr. Tarplin's music class. I am excited to get this new adventure started at Bethlehem Elementary School. I look forward to all the great music we are going to make and the fun we will have this year.
During our Remote Learning period, students will be attending live Google Meet sessions and using the Quaver Music platform. There will be assignments, assessments and projects posted to Google Classroom for students to complete. Please use the Google Meet links in the header of Google Classrom for the live sessions.
Google Classroom Codes
Kindergarten Anderson cz4qi4q Johnson rocpn64 Pyron 76ggipy 1st Grade Boyt qpeana7 Brown ekjtted Leatherwood okktem6 2nd Grade Barge v5wyvln Cole-Spence 7o6w7pz Lewis qdrb4av 3rd Grade Hardy qabql7j Sutton 53fli3p Wimbush db2yovw 4th Grade DeDianous ndouavp Early 5iegucx Lovins 22edgmi 5th Grade Fabien mwstwsc Gerald vr2fnsj Hatch ckl7vmk McNew xqmldrk *The BES Music Program follows the Henry County Teaching and Learning Standards as well as the Georgia Standards of Excellence