Senior Checklist
1. Senior Yearbook Needs:
Schedule Senior Portraits: Yearbook
Create/Purchase Senior Ad: Yearbook Ads(info available 7/31 - due 11/1)
Purchase Yearbook: PurchaseYearbook (info available 7/31 - check senior ad information for free book possibility - price increases as the year moves on)
2. Submit Cap and Gown Size:https://forms.gle/aKp8m2kBja4VaVP3A
- Fill out the cap and gown size form
- Double-check your measurements to ensure you order the correct size.
3. Pay Senior Dues: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action?clientKey=&requestAction=home
- $150 located in the school store.
- Dues covers: diploma, diploma cover, graduate cap & gown, graduate stole & tassel, graduation programs, graduation tickets, fireworks, plants & floral, sound, security/graduation, staging & field set up, security/field, handicap/golf carts, senior honors & awards, and other senior events.(Senior picnic/Field day)
4. Join Senior Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjEyMzI4MDAwNTU3?cjc=yuwqycd
Must be signed in with your Student#@henry.k12.ga.us google account to join
5. If you have Instagram, follow @olahighsga.
6. Additional Information and updates will be posted in the google classroom and on the senior website https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/95901 -