• Submit size here https://forms.gle/aKp8m2kBja4VaVP3A


    Only school issued regalia is permitted at graduation. Stoles, sashes, medals, cords, tassels or any other cap/gown adornments that were not issued from Henry County Schools are not to be worn to the graduation ceremony. 

    Cap and Gowns will be distributed in May to seniors who have met all obligations. Payment for the cap/gown is included in senior fees. 


    Care of Graduation Stole and Gown

    The Stole- Tips & Warnings- Iron the satin stole ONLY if absolutely necessary- Remember that satin burns or scorches very easily

    • To protect the sheen, turn the stole inside out before you begin.
    • Place the iron at its lowest steam setting.
    • When ironing, do not subject it to direct heat from the iron. Use a protective covering, such as a lightweight towel, to absorb some of the heat from the iron.
    • Place the towel between the stole and the iron.
    • Keep your iron moving- never let it sit in one place. Use fast, smooth, steady strokes.

    The replacement cost of the stole:  $20.00.  Quantities are limited; no guarantee is given that a replacement is available.


    The Gown- Tips & Warnings- The synthetic material of which the gown is made is extremely heat sensitive

    • Hang your gown immediately upon taking it out of the package. There will be some wrinkles in it from being folded up, but they should disappear after a few days. 
    • Hang your gown in the bathroom for a couple of days if the wrinkles are not coming out. The steam from the shower will act as a wrinkle remover.
    • Use a steamer.
    • Place the gown along with a damp towel in the dryer on low heat for 15 minutes.
    • If you decide to iron it… Place the iron at its lowest steam setting.
    • When ironing, do not subject the gown to direct heat from the iron. Use a protective covering, such as a lightweight towel, to absorb some of the heat from the iron.
    • Place the towel between the gown and the iron.
    • Keep your iron moving- never let it sit in one place. Use fast, smooth, steady strokes.
    • Take your gown to the dry cleaners if you are not comfortable ironing it yourself. It will cost you money, but that may be better than risking the chance of an iron imprint on your gown.

    Replacement cost of the gown:  $50.00.  Quantities are limited; no guarantee is given that a replacement is available.

    Replacement cost of the tassel:  $10.00.  Quantities are limited; no guarantee is given that a replacement is available.