Biology Syllabus
Teacher: Mr. Dakur Email: shashank.dakur@henry.k12.ga.us
Course Description:
Biology develops the students’ skills in the scientific method, research, and analytical thinking. Specific topics of study include the nature of science, characteristics of living organisms, the chemical molecules of life, cell structure and function, cellular energy, nucleic acids and protein synthesis, cell growth and reproduction, introduction to genetics, genes and chromosomes, human heredity, genetic engineering, evolutionary evidence and mechanisms, organism classification, viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals.
Supplies needed:
- 1 (1/2 inch) 3 ring binder
- Chromebook and Earbuds/headphones for Chromebook (MANDATORY)
- Scientific Calculator: the calculator you use for math is fine.
- Blue/Black pen or pencil
- Color Pencils/Highlighters/Markers
- Index cards (Optional)
Grading Procedures:
1) Course Final Average: 80% of the final grade
- Summative Assessments - 40% of the final grade
- Formative Assessments - 40% of the final grade
2) GA Milestone or Final Exam: 20% of the final grade
Toward the end of the semester students will take the End of Course Test which is mandated by the Georgia Department of Education. The curriculum is geared towards preparing students to be successful on this test.
Tutoring times:
I am willing to work with students any time before or after school as long as they schedule the times with me. I will be available after school until 4:15.
Virtual Learning Resources that will be used in the classroom:
Classroom Rules/Expectations:
- Be Ready and log in on time for class (Virtual Learning)
- Be Respectful to the teacher and your classmates(Virtual Learning)
- Be Responsible for your actions and classwork(Virtual Learning)
- Cell phones must be kept out of sight. If you are seen using your phone, your phone will be taken up by the teacher till the end of the period.(In school)
- Sit in your assigned seat and stay in your assigned seat.(In school)
Consequences for breaking a classroom rule (When we are back in school):
Step 1: Sign step form - Verbal Warning
Step 2: Sign step form and Parent contact
Step 3: Sign step form and second Parent contact
Step 4: Office referral
***The teacher has the right to determine the consequence appropriate for the offense.
**Severe disruption will result in an immediate referral.
**Certain offenses may require automatic office referral: These offenses would be noted in the student handbook.
Classroom Procedures (When we are back in school):
- Assigned Seats- You will have an assigned seat. You are not allowed to move seats for any reason. I use the seating chart to complete attendance. If you sit in a different seat it may result in you being marked absent. You cannot sit at the lab stations unless you have been assigned to sit there or you are conducting a lab.
- Starting class- Enter, sit in your assigned seat, put your phones in the pockets, read the agenda on the board and start the warm-up assignment.
- Make-up work- You have 1 day per day for an excused absence to make up your assignments. DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT GRADES OR MISSED WORK DURING CLASS PLEASE CHECK ON INFINITE CAMPUS.
- Late work Policy-There is no late work accepted for full credit. Anything over one week late will have the max grade of 75%.
- Cell phones – Cell phones will NOT BE ALLOWED during instruction. Please keep them out of sight. If you are found using your phone, your phone will be taken up by the teacher until the end of the period. Failure to comply, will result in an automatic referral.
- Food or Drinks – Since, this is a Science Lab environment. Food is not permitted. However, you may bring a bottle of water.
- Keep it neat and clean- Please help me keep the room neat and clean by not writing on your desk or chairs, return books to the shelf, and put all trash in the trashcan on your way out.
- Taking Test- *Students cheating or talking during testing or that have a cell phone out for any reason will receive a zero*
- Lab Equipment policy: Students are responsible for checking off equipment at the beginning of lab and reporting missing equipment. Students are responsible for paying for any lab equipment that is broken or missing from their lab group.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Students are expected to do their own work. If it is found to be true that a student has submitted work that is not their own, the county policy regarding academic honesty will be followed.
How to be successful in this class:
- Take good notes
- Turn in all assignments on time. Take responsibility for your own grade by checking Infinite Campus.
- Come to class every day.
- Read over notes at home and do extra work when necessary to help you learn the material.
- As soon as you feel behind or are having trouble, talk to me.
*****I want you to all succeed and will do all I can to help you, but remember you are the deciding factor in your success*****
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement
By signing this Syllabus Acknowledgment Page you are indicating your understanding and acceptance of all guidelines, discipline, and classroom procedures of your child’s participation in this course.