    Dutchtown High School
    Grade Repair, Mastery Credit Recovery, and Course Repetition


    In order for students to successfully matriculate through high school, they
    must remain  focused on their academic studies at all times. However, some students do get distracted and need guidance as well a second chance to refocus. Students will be given the opportunity to "get back on track" in terms of their graduation requirements through our 
    Grade Repair, Mastery Credit Recovery, and Course Repetition initiatives.
  • Important Notice: Some Credit Recovery methods are NOT accepted by the NCAA and may lead to scholarship inelibility. Please speak with your school counselor to ensure the opportunity you are interested in meets the NCAA requirements. 

  • Additional information about Georgia Virtual Credit Recovery...

    This is a course repetition opportunity that can be completed during and/or beyond the school day.  Courses are available in the folloiwng areas:



    Physical Science


    Environmental Science

    Earth Systems


    Human Anatomy

    American Government


    World History

    US History

    World Geography

    English I-IV

    Algebra I-II




    Important Notice: Georgia Virtual Credit Recovery classes are NOT accepted by the NCAA and may lead to scholarship inelibility.


    Dutchtown High School utilizes the Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) Credit Recovery platform as an opportunity for students to repeat a course that was previously failed. It is a model designed for students to complete coursework with limited assistance from a local school monitor, teacher, or facilitator. The coursework of the program is not intended for students who need one-on-one academic assistance, who did not get a basic understanding of course content, or who need an initial credit. Therefore, to be successful in this credit recovery effort, the student should be self-motivated and an independent learner who exhibits a strong personal commitment towards earning credit in this type of student-centered setting. 

    The prescribed program of instruction consists of a pretest, lessons, a post-test, and/or a final exam or End-of-Course (Milestones) assessment. After the student achieves the desired level of mastery in the lesson, he/she will take the unit post-test. The grade for the course is based (80%) upon the unit test scores (essays when applicable), combined with  (20%) from the final exam or (20%) from the EOC. 


    To earn credit for this course, students must agree to the following: 

    • GAVS establishes course expiration dates based upon the date of enrollment. If the student does not complete the entire course before the expiration date, h/she will lose access to the course and will be required to start from the beginning of the course if h/she chooses to re-enroll. 
      • If h/she would like to re-enroll, a fee of $25 must be paid before enrollment is granted.
    • When taking a course for the 1st time, no payment is required. 
    • Enrollment in Credit Recovery does not guarantee a passing score and the earning of credits. The student must earn a final average in the course of 70% or above. Only unit tests count towards completion progress of the course. For ELA courses, the essay(s) count as a unit test score.
    • Students will complete one credit recovery course at a time EXCEPT in extenuating circumstances, which will be determined by the Graduation Coach and the counselor. 
    • If a student fails to meet all requirements, h/she will be responsible for obtaining the credit through another means (i.e., Summer School, retaking the entire class as a part of their academic schedule). 
    • As stated under Academic Honesty in the 2024-2025 Henry County Student and Parent  Handbook, all coursework submitted must be the student’s own, original work. Students must not cheat on any assignment by giving or receiving unauthorized assistance or committing the act of plagiarism. If such acts are committed, students will be subject to receiving a grade of zero for the course in question, as well as disciplinary action and/or removal from Credit Recovery.
    • The program coordinator, Mrs. Brown-Henry, is the point of contact for this program and is responsible for enrolling students in credit recovery classes, and informing parents and DHS counselors of their credit recovery status/progress. Any questions can be emailed to Mrs. Brown-Henry at pamela.brown@henry.k12.ga.us
    • Students will not be eligible to take a Milestones (EOC) Assessment until the entire credit recovery course has been completed.  


    For more information, contact the graduation coach via email: pamela.brown@henry.k12.ga.us.

Last Modified on October 12, 2024