    What's my role here at Dutchtown High?
    As Dutchtown High School's Graduation Coach, I am here to assist your child with staying on track for graduation. My primary goals are to assist him/her in finding academic assistance, coordinating grade repair, credit recovery/mastery, and online classes through Georgia Virtual School, GaVirtual Credit Recovery, and Henry County Online Academy (HCOA) as well as many other aspects of academic life here at Dutchtown High School.
    An important aspect of my job is building a relationship with the students, their parents, and the school community. Building these relationships are critical in motivating students to perform well in their quest to graduate from high school. My contact information is email: pamela.brown@henry.k12.ga.us, or give me a call at (770) 515-7510 ext. 68113. Students on campus may stop by my office in room 202.  If you would like to book a phone or virtual appointment, please click here
    I look forward to working with you and your child this school year!
Last Modified on June 8, 2022