• FBLA will hold its first meeting on Wednesday, August 17th afterschool at 3:30 pm in Room 405.

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    Georgia Theme: Dare to Dream                        

    FBLA National Theme: Aspire       

    What is FBLA?
    Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national organization for all high school students participating in business and technology classes.  Continuing participation in FBLA in college is available through Phi Beta Lambda (PBL).  Club activities provide learning situations that can improve knowledge, increase skills, and shape attitudes that will advance a student’s business career.
    The benefits of active participation in FBLA include:


    • Earning scholarship money
    • Winning recognition at conferences
    • Acquiring leadership skills
    • Gaining community service experience
    • Improving or enhancing job skills
    • Meeting new people and business professionals
    • Competing in business skill events
    Join our Remind Text Messaging Group
    Text: 81010
    Message: @fbla-dhs20

    Payments can be made at myschoolbucks.com

    Proceeds from dues are distributed as follows:
    • State and national dues
    • Chapter dues 
      Additional supplies, snacks, and transportation fees to events are required during the school year.

Last Modified on February 6, 2023