• Is Your Child too Sick for School?

      Flu season is upon us. At Cotton Indian we strive to help keep our students healthy, in school and ready to learn.  Spreading germs is bound to happen at school, but with your help we are hoping we can minimize illnesses.

    Please keep your child at home:

    ·         If he/she is too sick to be comfortable at school.


    ·         If she/he might spread a contagious disease to other children.

    Please remember as rule of thumb, a child should stay home if there is:

    ·         Vomiting

    ·         A fever over 100°F

    ·         Diarrhea

    ·         A very frequent cough

    ·         Persistent pain (ear, stomach, etc.)

    ·         A widespread rash

    Children should stay home until there is no fever for 24 hours and they do not require medications to reduce fever! If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Leonard in the clinic at 770-474-9983.

Last Modified on May 12, 2017