• Become Scholastic Book Readers in 2024-25 and beyond!

    books     child reading    books
    Dear Families,
    I have been an active member of the Scholastic Book Club for many years and hope you will participate this 2024-25 school year.  Books are on sale for a fraction of the cost you would spend in stores and go for as low as $1.00.
    I look forward to receiving your child's orders from the Scholastic Book Club each month. To order, it is easier at this time to place your orders online! When we return to school you will receive a monthly brochure for you and your child to look through.   As you browse the monthly club selections (all at really low prices), and order your selections, know that you are also helping our classroom to earn FREE books!  

    You may use the link below, and enter code MBTWT at Scholastic.com as a parent, to make purchases using your debit or credit card.  If an order is placed online, your payment will be processed by Scholastic's secure server. The completed order will be delivered either to your home or you may choose to have your books delivered to school, where I will take care of distributing all items received to your student(s).  I will also arrange time for students to browse through their new book orders, which they also enjoy doing.

    Consider sharing the link with grandparents, uncles, aunts and friends - these books are reasonably priced and make great gifts for addition to birthdays, Christmas and Easter - imagine the surprise and smiles when your child receives a surprise book package from 'aunty' or 'grandpa'. 
    Remember:  Our activation code is MBTWT
    Thank you for continually supporting our reading program here at Hickory Flat, and encouraging the love of reading. 
    Ms. Kemp-Dorsey