Frequently Asked Questions
· How do students get to see the counselor?
It's easy for students to see their counselor; however, students cannot leave the classroom to come to the counselor's office without teacher permission. Safety first! Students are discouraged from waiting in the office when the counselors are occupied unless it is an obvious emergency. The counselor will see the student as soon as possible.
· What should parents do if they need to see a counselor immediately and they are not available?
Parent concerns are very important to us; however, we ask that you also consider our commitment to our students when trying to meet. The best way to meet with the counselors about concerns/questions is to schedule a meeting/conference by calling the school at 770-957-0164 or emailing us at Emily.holzman@henry.k12.ga.us (Pre-K-2). This way, we are able to get a brief understanding of the situation and gather the necessary information and resources in preparation for our conference. Our goal is to ensure a successful meeting with results that will inevitably benefit the student.
· Are counselors available to sit in on parent conferences?
Yes, we are definitely available to sit in on parent conferences at the teacher or the parents' request. Please let us know in advance so that we can schedule and plan for the meeting.
· What can we do to help students with serious problems such as drug abuse, depression, etc.?
School personnel, including counselors are not qualified nor equipped to diagnose or treat medical or psychiatric problems. However, we can let parents know of our concern as well as the many community resources available and provide support. It is important to let your child's counselor and/or teacher know of your concern about a student who may appear depressed, suicidal, or under the influence of drugs as soon as possible. The school social worker and the the counselors are always ready to assist with these concerns.
· Will the counselor be available to conduct core curriculum classroom lessons?
School counselors are required to implement large group counseling sessions within their core curriculum. The counselors will conduct core curriculum lessons with each class monthly. These include specific state mandated lessons, such as Speak Up Be Safe and career lessons. Other lessons include learning within the social emotional and educational domains.
· What are some issues or concerns that I can discuss with my child's counselor?
Personal hygiene, socialization issues, problems with making friends, dishonesty, conflict at home, change in family dynamics, adjustment to new stepparent, divorce, school anxiety, issues with bullying, and other emotionally related issues.