Dear Parents and Guardians:
It is time for us to get our School Council up and running. We have seats that will need to be filled. This letter is a brief overview of the purpose of the school council and the process that we will follow to fill our seats. We hope that you will seek to become involved on this advisory board to help us take Tussahaw Elementary School to the next level.
Georgia law provides for the operation of school councils to bring communities and schools closer together to improve academic achievement and solve difficult education problems. This council is made up of the principal, two teachers, two parents, and two-parent/business members. The council is advisory in nature and may discuss important issues such as academic achievement, the code of conduct, dress code, extracurricular activities, and school-community communications strategies.
Parents and guardians of students who are enrolled at Tussahaw Elementary during the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to serve. The term of office will be two years, unless your child graduates or leaves the school prior to that time, at which point your membership on the council will end. All council members must be able to attend monthly school council meetings. Council meetings are generally held once a month on Wednesdays at 8:00 am in the office conference room. Council members must be at least 18 years old and never convicted of a felony. Council members will have to: attend all school council meetings, attend school council training provided by Henry County Schools, positively communicate with the community about action plans at Tussahaw Elementary, review data, plans, and school improvement initiatives, provide feedback during council meetings, and work collaboratively with the administration and staff at Tussahaw Elementary with the goal of improved student achievement and overall school experience.
Please consider nominating one Tussahaw Elementary parent who you feel would do a great job of representing the school community and the educational needs of all Tussahaw Elementary children. Feel free to nominate yourself. Please write a brief description of why you, or the person you nominate, would be a good school council member. Fill out the School Council Nomination Form on the website by August 16th, 2023, so that ballots can be made and nominated candidates may be contacted to determine if they would be interested in the position. Elections will take place in front of Tussahaw Elementary School on Friday, August 30th, 2023 from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. You must be present to vote. You need not be present to be elected.
Dr. Jocelyn Lakani-Jones
Tussahaw Elementary School
Tussahaw Elementary Parent Nomination Form