• Welcome to Second Grade! 

    Welcome to another exciting year at Tussahaw Elementary! I am extremely excited to welcome you, as well as your child into this new academic year. Firstly, I would like to start by saying that this year will be full of exciting new challenges and obstacles to overcome. However, these will take place in a secure and safe environment with the focus being on learning and growing at TES both inside and outside of the classroom. 

    In my classroom. I always aim to promote creativity and enthusiasm for learning in all subjects that my children are engaged in. I am looking forward to providing my students with a hands-on learning environment where they will rely on visuals and manipulatives to see what they're learning in real time. I set high expectations for my students to ensure that they will achieve their learning goals as well as show growth throughout the school year. My goal is for my students to set their own goals and motivate them to work towards those goals each day. At Tussahaw Elementary School, we believe that "Every Child is Worth the Best." It is important that my class feels that they are worth the best in Second Grade! 

    I would like to take this opportunity to say that my door is always open for any questions or concerns you have throughout the school year. I believe that communication between child, parent, and class teacher is crucial to better understand how to promote productive learning for each child. 

    -Miss Aycock