• Oudoorsman's Club

    Sponser: Dr. Justin Castile

    Do you prefer being outside rather than being inside? Do you want to learn more about the world around you and how to enjoy it to its fullest? Then the outdoorsman club is for you. This is a Face to Face club that will meet once a month. Both boys and girls are welcome. We will explore all things outdoors. Some of the topics we may learn more about are listed below, but in our first meeting we will discuss what topics and adventures we would like to learn more about. See you all soon...in the great outdoors! 

    Please fill out this interest form if you are planning on attending

    Possible Topics: 

    • Hiking/Backpacking
    • Camping
    • Fishing
    • Hunting
    • Beekeeping
    • Wilderness Survival
    • First Aid


    Club Meeting Dates: (Club meets on Tuesdays once a month from 3 to 4pm) 

    • August 27th (Camping and Tent set up 101)
    • September 10th (Canceled) 
    • October 29th (Archery in the Gym with Ga DNR) 
    • November 19th (First aid with McDonough Fire Dept) 
    • December 17th (Wildlife ID with the Ga DNR)
    • January 21st (TBD)
    • February 11th (TBD)
    • March 11th (Intro to Hunting with the Ga DNR) 
    • April 22nd (TBD)
    • May 20th (TBD)
dude hiking looking at lake
Castile stripper bass