• Welcome to AP European History. This class will give you a taste of a college-level class with an emphasis on European History. Like all history, this class connects to other areas and cultures of the world - as humans we are interactive with others, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. Your purpose is to prepare for the AP test. My purpose is to prepare you for the AP test. Feel free to enjoy history along the way. This is an AP level, or college level, class. Expectations are having that college level workload. My approach is more about preparing you for the best AP test result - nothing extra beyond that. The hope is that you add an appreciation for history itself. Please make sure you can log into AP Classroom. It is important that you keep track of your password information for the entire year. You will also receive a textbook you are responsible for the entire year.

    My background is history and political science. I have traveled to many of the places we will discuss. I have served in the US Army and have an appreciation for all things military history related. I am currently writing my dissertation for my PhD in history. My hope is to apply my own experiences to make this a more engaging class. 

    There is a Europe trip planned in conjunction with an ELA class. We will discuss the first week of class for those interested.

    Again, welcome! I look forward to a great year with you all. 

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    AP Classroom - students are required to have their own College Board account. This will be the same account students log into for SAT and other College Board tests. Assignments and quizzes will be posted on AP Classroom to complete.