Information for the 2022-2023 ASEP Program in terms of registration and enrollment is found online through this link:
The county ASEP Director is Cynthia Greene
770-957-6601 ext. 01129
678-583-1211The Unity Grove Elementary ASEP or After School Enrichment Program is set up to provide peace of mind to parents who need for their children to remain in a safe and stable environment after the school day has ended until they can be transported home. The Program Director at UGE is Nancy T. Rogers, who is a UGE Teacher, and the Assistant Director is Beverly Reynolds. We have many familiar faces returning for this school year as after-school Instructors and we look forward to seeing and working with our students.
After-school hours are from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm when school is in session. Costs may differ depending on whether or not the parent is a school system employee. Parents are not required to pay for ASEP attendance when the school is not in session (such as school breaks, holidays, etc.)
ASEP does not accept cash as payment, but checks, money orders and online payment may be made through the MySchoolBuck app. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getmain?requestAction=home
Please feel free to email me or Beverly Reynolds if you have questions or concerns. You may also call the front office and leave a message for one of us.
Thank you,
Nancy T. Rogers
Beverly Reynolds
Unity Grove Elementary