Remember to be a smart internet researcher! The links below are to websites designed for use by students; however, please remember to practice safety rules when using the internet.
Galileo: www.galileo.usg.edu Galileo requires a password that changes periodically. Please contact the Media Specialist at the school for the current password.
ASK Kids: http://www.ask.com/Searchy Pants: http://www.searchypants.com/Awesome Library: http://www.awesomelibrary.org/student.html
Mymunka: http://www.mymunka.com/ (Good for younger students.)
Gogooligans: http://www.gogooligans.com/
Dibdabdoo: http://www.dibdabdoo.com/ (Good for younger students.)
Safe Search for Kids: http://safesearchkids.com/contact.html
Sweetsearch: http://www.sweetsearch.com/
Slime Kids: http://www.slimekids.com/search-engines/
Kidzsearch: http://www.kidzsearch.com/
Kids.GOV: http://kids.usa.gov/
Kid-Search: http://www.kid-search.com/
KidRex: http://www.kidrex.org/
Mr. Donn: http://www.mrdonn.org/
Factmonster: http://www.factmonster.com
Enchanted Learning: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html This website does have a membership available, but it if offers a lot of free resources that can be accessed without a membership. This is a good research tool for younger students.
EncyclopediaBritannica for Kids: http://kids.britannica.com/ This site requires a membership. The website does offer a free 7 day trial.
Brainpop: www.brainpop.com This website requires a membership. East Lake Elementary students have access to this resource during school hours.
Media Center Links for Henry County Schools: http://mediacollection.henry.k12.ga.us
Georgia Public Library Service (McDonough Public Library): http://gapines.org/eg/opac/home