• Welcome to Coach Phillips's Web Page
        Bitmoji Image   

    Our mission in Rock Spring's Physical Education class is to promote physically active and healthy individuals! 

    Welcome Students and Families!

    My name is Joy Phillips.  I am starting my 24th year of teaching elementary PE in Henry County, and I have been part of the Rock Spring family since we opened in 2008.  I am a graduate of Woodward Academy.  I played collegiate volleyball at The University of West Georgia where I earned my Undergraduate and Master Degrees in Physical Education and Health for K-12th Grades.  My husband, who is also a PE teacher in the county, and I are blessed with two daughters who keep us busy with their extracurricular activities.  

    Feel free to email me anytime at jphillips@henry.k12.ga.us.

    Lastly, I have included on the left side of this screen my Bitmoji classroom, activities and links to websites that will be fun and interactive ways to get you and your family moving!  These dances, exercises and activities are great ways to get your heart rate up and your muscles pumping!  It is recommended that children ages 6-17 years do 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily!  So let's get moving!!

    Coach Phillips