Typing Program
First in Math
Math Playground
Science Bob
Your go-to site for all things science and science fair. There’s so much great information on Science Bob on science experiments and research methods that you almost won’t need to help at all. Almost.
NASA Kids Club
Junior astronauts will have a blast exploring this fun and exciting website. There’s information and games geared to a variety of ages and skill levels to help feed their love of space.
Eco Kids
Harness your kids eco-enthusiasm with green-themed games and articles. This Canadian website is the perfect compliment to the elementary school curriculum and the Take Action section will help your kids make a real impact on the environment.
It’s a virtual Lego set for the little Lego lover in your life. Lego and Google Chrome teamed up to create a site for master builders of all ages to build their own creations. And no clean up required!
Art Games
This delightfully interactive and funhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaRe91hEldnS-NJXL_IvivgT_maMLz1xnj3W3dKfZGP1nFPw/viewform website is hosted by Buffalo, New York’s Albright Knox Art Gallery. Kids from 4 to 12 will have a blast creating their own masterpieces and playing art-spirational games.