    • Henry County Schools 2022-2023 Report Card Information 


      Parent's Guide to the new report card


      Elementary School
      1.  Academic Grades
      a.  Student progress will be evaluated based on standards-based assessments, performance tasks, classroom and homework assignments, tests and quizzes, and special projects.
      b.  Grades shall be entered into the grade book weekly.

      2.  Grading Scales
      a. Students will be evaluated on three scales that reflect the implementation of standards and varies depending on the grade level of the student.

      (1)  Kindergarten:  Students and parents will receive the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) Readiness report for Term one progress reporting.  Terms two, three and four students will have their progress monitored towards mastery of the standards on a report card using the performance levels and accompanying grading scales, as articulated for grades 1-4.

      (2)  1st-4th Grades:  Students will have their progress monitored towards mastery of the standards on a report card using the performance levels and accompanying grading scales defined as follows:

      EX-Exemplary:  Demonstrates broad in-depth skill/concept development that most often exceeds grade-level standards - 90-100

      PR-Proficient:  Demonstrates skill/concept development that meets grade-level standards - 80-89

      AP-Approaching:  Demonstrates skill/concept development that is beginning to meet grade-level standards - 74-79

      LP-Limited Progress:  Demonstrates skill/concept below grade level standards - 70-73

      IP-Insufficient Progress:  Demonstrates skill/concept that is significantly below grade level standards - Below 70

      (3)  5th Grade:  Students receive numeric grades in all academic subjects (reading (1-4 only), language arts, mathematics, science/health, and social studies).

      Letter grades and numeric grades are defined as follows:

      90-100=A     80-89=B     74-79=C     70-73=D     Below 70=F

      Grades in art, music and physical education are reported as follows:

      0-Critical Need     1-Emerging     2-Progressing     3-Meets     4-Exceeds

      If schoolwork has been changed or modified from regular class assignments, an asterisk (*) will appear by the grade.
      3.  The following grading format should be used by teachers in Henry County elementary schools.
      Practice Work Assessment Tasks
      Class work, homework, formative assessments, diagnostic assessments, written reflections Such as constructed response assessments, selected response assessments, reflective assessments, summative unit assessments, culminating performance tasks, projects
      Counts as 60% of the grade Counts as 40% of the grade

      4.  Non-Academic Grades
      a.  Students will be evaluated on non-academic performance levels as follow:

      (1) K-4 Students will be evaluated using performance levels listed below for Learning Behaviors

      EX-Exemplary     PR-Proficient     AP-Approaching     LP-Limited Progress     IP-Insufficient Progress

      (2)  5th Grade:  Students will be evaluated using the Learner Behaviors and Work Standards.  Grades will be assigned as:

      1-Rarely     2-Sometimes     3-Usually     4-Consistently     NA-Not Applicable

      5.  Grade Reporting
      a.  Grades, updated weekly, are available for review in the district grading portal.

      b.  Students will receive printed report cards at the end of nine (9) weeks, eighteen weeks (18), twenty-seven (27), and thirty-six (36) weeks.

      c.  Progress Reports are made available every 4 1/2 weeks and may be printed or provided through the district grading portal.

      d.  Teachers shall communicate with parents/legal guardians of students who are not showing an appropriate progression towards the mastery of standards and/or are in danger of failing a course.

      e.  All students who access an alternative curriculum will receive a report card and guidance summary to provide an overview of the student's progress.

      6.  Homework
      Homework in Henry County Schools should provide time for students to practice what they have learned in class or to elaborate on information that has been introduced.  Homework and practice should be used as instructional tools to help foster mastery of the outlined skills and concepts, and it should provide opportunities for students to refine and extend their knowledge of content taught throughout the school year.

      7. Make-Up Work
      a.  Students are responsible for any missed assignments on the first day they return to school from an absence.  The number of days allowed to complete make-up work will be determined by the principal or his/her designee but will not exceed the number of days absent.  Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a grade of zero (0) being given for graded assignments missed during an absence.
      b.  Students assigned Out of School Suspension (OSS) will be allowed to make-up work upon return to school.  The number of days to complete make-up work is commensurate to the number of days of OSS (i.e. 3 days of Out of School Suspension=3 days to make up work missed).