Jasmin Gonzalez
Site CoordinatorBetty Sims
Asst. Site CoordinatorHours of operation:Working hours: Mon-Fri 2:00pm - 6:00pmPlease expect a delay in emails sent outside of working hours.Submit an application:Please use the link below to submit an application for after school. Please wait for an email which will advise if your student is accepted or being placed on the waiting list. Do not send your student to after school until you have received an email confirming acceptance.General info:In 1990, the Henry County Board of Education approved an offer for an Afterschool Program in each elementary school. The program was titled the Afterschool Enrichment Program (ASEP). The program was rebranded in June 2023 to the BASE Program, to incorporate the Before and After School Enrichment Programs offered to elementary and middle school students. The components of the BASE program include:- Adult supervision during non-school hours
- Affordable cost for child care services
- Adequate instructors for each program
- Educational resources to improve the academic performance of participating students
- Recreational activities to enhance social interaction in a group setting
- Nutritional snacks
The collaborative relationship between educators, parents, community workers and other professionals have enabled our ASEP to be a progressive and self-sustaining program.If at any time you have a concern or question regarding the Afterschool Enrichment Program, please contact Cindy Greene, Director at 678-583-1211or email at cgreene@henry.k12.ga.us
Updated August 2019Important program information:*For the first week when picking up please make sure to bring a valid id with you.Please keep in mind at any time you could be asked for identification. At times there can be a different person at our desk doing check-outs and if they have not seen you before they are required to ask for identification. We ask for your patience and understanding as the safety of all our students is always our main priority.If a person arrives to pick up your student and they are not listed on the student's application as an authorized pick-up person, we will not release your student. Please make sure to list any persons that could possibly pick your student up on their application.*The Afterschool Enrichment Program has a yearly non refundable registration fee of $25.00 per student, with a maximum of $75.00 per family. This fee is required prior to the first day of attendance and is non-refundable.*Once you have registered and been accepted for the program, please make sure that you provide your child's teacher with a written note letting them know that your student will be attending the afterschool program until further notice. Please note that if your student is on the roster for afterschool tuition is expected even if not in attendance.*Our program begins immediately following school and is available until 6:00 pm. This program is offered when school is in session. The program is designed for students who are able to participate independently in age- appropriate activities within a 1:21 instructor/student ratio. The tuition fee for the program is $50.00 per student per week for regular rate tuition and $33.50 per student per week for employee rate tuition whether a student attends one day or five days. Tuition is due Friday before the week of service.*The hours of the Afterschool Enrichment Program are Monday through Friday, beginning at dismissal from regular school day and ending at 6:00 p.m. Late fees will be assessed at $1.00 per minute beginning at 6:01 p.m. Four (4) violations will result in a week of suspension from the program, five (5) violations will result in two week suspension from the program, additional violations will lead dismissal for the remainder of the school year.*Tuition is due the Friday before the week of service. Payments can be made by check, money order (made payable to HCBOE), or online by using www.myschoolbucks.com. You may pay by the week, bi-weekly, or monthly. The ASEP Miscellaneous option can be used for tuition in excess of tuition due or a different amount than the weekly tuition rate. A $5 late fee is automatically added to each payment not received by Friday at 6:00pm.*All tuition payments are due on Friday before the week of attendance. Non-payment of tuition will result in dismissal from the program until the payment is made in full. Please contact the ASEP office at 678-583-1211 if you are in need of assistance with tuition fees. Waiting lists will be used in schools with limited number of employees. If your student is dismissed from the program for non-payment the student will be placed on the waiting list if the parent wishes them to return unless all fees are satisfied immediately.*If schools are closed due to inclement weather, students must be picked up immediately. Please sign up for our Remind text for immediate updates regarding inclement weather.Remind:Please join our Remind for updates, severe weather and other important information:To join-Online: go to rmd.at/pcebase and follow the instructions to sign up for RemindText: Text the message @pcebase to 81010 or 415-813-2646.Contact info:After School (B.A.S.E) County Office #678-583-1211Pate's Creek #770-389-8819Site Coordinator (PCE): Jasmin Gonzalez (jasmin.gonzalez@henry.k12.ga.us)Assistant Site Coordinators (PCE): Betty Sims (bettysims@henry.k12.ga.us)Bookkeeper (PCE): Jackie Ray (jackie.ray@henry.k12.ga.us)
Last Modified on July 23, 2024