• Follow these steps to view a progress report of your practice time in Rosetta Stone:


    1. Login to Rosetta Stone using the Henry County Schools Rosetta Stone link below:




    2. Once you are logged in, click "My Reports" (do not click "Launch Rosetta Stone Foundations" like usual).

    3. Once in "My Reports" click pdf.

    4. Once your pdf loads you will be able to view all of your practice results and timing. 

    5. In the upper right hand corner you will see "Training Use" that is the running total of your practice time and is what I will be looking at to give a grade for your practice.



    • You should have a minimum of 45 minutes of practice per week.

    • The "Training Use" time is a running time, meaning it is like a running clock that is continuously counting your minutes of practice. So what does that mean? If we are on week 1 of practice you should have at least 45 minutes training use time recorded, if we are on week 2 you should have a minimum of 90 minutes recorded (45 minutes from week 1 + 45 minutes from week 2 = 90 minutes) and it continues in that fashion. To figure out how much you should have multiply the practice week number we are on times 45, 

      • For example: Practice week 7 x 45 minutes practiced each week = 315 minutes total or 7 hours total training use. 

    *Lastly, don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be! If you log in to our class on Rosetta Stone Mondays and work on Rosetta Stone the entire class period.. YOU WILL BE FINE!!! YOU WILL REACH (ACTUALLY EXCEED) THE REQUIRED 45 MINUTES OF PRACTICE FOR THE WEEK!!