Personal Financial Literacy

  • Personal Financial Literacy Syllabus

    SSPFL1 Evaluate various sources of income and analyze variables that affect a person’s income.

    SSPFL2 Describe how budgeting and actively reviewing finances can be used to allocate scarce income.

    SSPFL3 Evaluate different methods for paying for goods and services.

    SSPFL4 Evaluate alternatives for life after high school including college, technical school, internships, working, military, doing nothing (taking a “gap year”), traveling, or other options.

    SSPFL5 Describe the importance of credit and having a favorable credit score.

    SSPFL6 Analyze the purpose and functions of various financial institutions.

    SSPFL7 Explain how interest rates affect various consumer decisions.

    SSPFL8 Evaluate reasons for and various methods of investment.

    SSPFL9 Describe how insurance and other risk-management strategies protect against financial loss.

    SSPFL10 Describe how government taxing and spending decisions affect consumers.

    SSPFL11 Explain and evaluate various forms of consumer protection.

    SSPFL12 Explain sources of and protection against identity theft.

    You can also access more detailed syllabus here: 
