World History

  • World History Syllabus

    Unit 1 Birth of Civilizations

    This unit will focus on the rise of early civilizations and the emerging social complexity of populous societies. Students will investigate how the need for structures within society provide order and stability. Activities will focus on relating how and where civilizations developed through religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of society. Students will gain knowledge through comparisons of civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean, China, Africa, Central and South America, and India and will analyze how solutions emerged for their growing populations’ needs and interactions with other societies.

    Unit 2 Age of Empires

    This unit will focus on the rise of early civilizations and the emerging social complexity of populous societies. Students will investigate how the need for structures within society provide order and stability. Activities will focus on relating how and where civilizations developed through religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of society. Students will gain knowledge through comparisons of civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean, China, Africa, Central and South America, and India and will analyze how solutions emerged for their growing populations’ needs and interactions with other societies.

    Unit 3 The Middle Ages & Development of the Silk Road Trade Routes

    This unit will focus on African societies and Islamic Empires through the 1500s through a political, economic, cultural, and geographical lens. The origins, growth, and diffusion of Islam through the Medieval Mediterranean World and Africa will be examined from the Middle Ages through to the “Gunpowder Empires” of the Safavid, Mughal, & Ottoman Empires. The characteristics, developments, and cultural contributions of the Sudanic empires will be described in addition to the Islamic Empires.

    Unit 4 Age of Exploration

    This unit will focus on the rise of early civilizations and the emerging social complexity of populous societies. Students will investigate how the need for structures within society provide order and stability. Activities will focus on relating how and where civilizations developed through religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of society. Students will gain knowledge through comparisons of civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean, China, Africa, Central and South America, and India and will analyze how solutions emerged for their growing populations’ needs and interactions with other societies. 

    Unit 5 Age of Enlightenment and Revolutions

    This unit will focus on conflict and change that occurred as a result of revolution and rebellions. The individuals, groups and institutions that emerged during this time will be identified and their role/contributions examined. As people migrated due to political, social, and economic reasons, the complexity of the government also increases.

    Unit 6 Age of Imperialism and Industrial Revolution

    This unit will focus on the impact of industrialization and urbanization upon the world. The individuals, groups and institutions that emerged during this time will be identified and their role/contributions examined. As people migrated due to political, social, and economic reasons, the complexity of the government also increases. Technological innovations emerged as industrialization grew and expanded.

    Unit 7 World Wars

    This unit will focus on the causes and results of the great conflicts of the first half of the 20th century: World War I and World War II. Students will examine the causes of each conflict, the nature of the technology, and strategic actions of the war and the resulting accommodations made by the victors and the defeated. Students will analyze the changing world alignment as world powers dictated the peace from each conflict and the emerging nationalism among colonized groups who were impacted by the agreements. The inter-war years will be examined for evidence of cultural change and reaction to post war agreements. Students will examine the movement of Russia, Germany and Italy toward authoritarian governments and the steps of aggression that led to World War II. Finally, students will investigate the agreements and those who made them at the conclusion of World War II. Students will explain the impact of these agreements on Eastern Europe. Students will examine the attempts to establish mechanisms for peaceful conflict resolution through the United Nations and recovery programs such as the Marshall Plan and McArthur’s plan for Japan.

    Unit 8 Post World War II and Globalism
    This unit will focus on the post war world. The theme conflict and change, viewed through the lens of the struggle of emerging nations in the world, allows students to examine how different regions of the world adapt to the issues of the modern times. The issue of conflict and change spills over into the transitions that took place as the government of the Soviet Union was no longer able to adapt, and the country broke up into its smaller component parts. Various individuals, groups and institutions played key roles in the events that have taken place since the end of the last world war. Additionally, as the world has become more interdependent, movement and migration have taken on greater significance. More people, goods and ideas move around the world today, at a much faster pace, than ever before. Many of the reasons for the faster pace of movement and migration are directly tied to technological innovation that allows for more efficiency in transportation and communication. Finally, students will appreciate that though we are bound by the time in which we live, cultures change while simultaneously continuing to hold on to the heritage and history of the past.