

    The administrators at Stockbridge High School are a highly qualified and dedicated team that prioritizes student success. They are committed to serving students, staff, and the community, putting in countless hours every day. The administration team consists of the principal and four assistant principals, each with specific responsibilities for the school's operation, while the principal oversees the overall management of the school.

    Dr. James Thornton, Principal

    (P): (770) 474-8747 Ext. 03102
    (E): James.Thornton@henry.k12.ga.us

    Visit Dr. Thornton's Page


    Dr. Danielle Barnes, Assistant Principal

    Areas of Responsibility
    Student Last Names: E-K
    Departments: CTAE, Science, Section 504, Testing Coordinator
    (E): Danielle.Barnes@henry.k12.ga.us

    Ms. Dawana Conethan, Assistant Principal

    Areas of Responsibility
    Student Last Names: Ri-Z
    Departments: Extracurricular Activities, Fine Arts, Section 504, Social Studies
    (P): (770)- 474-8747 Ext.03121
    (E): Dawana.Conethan@henry.k12.ga.us

    Dr. Stephen Hammock, Assistant Principal

    Areas of Responsibility
    Student Alpha: L-Rh
    Departments: Counselors, Master's Schedule, Mathematics, NJROTC, PE, Section 504, STEAM
    (P): (770) 474-8747 Ext. 03108
    (E): Stephen.Hammock@henry.k12.ga.us

    Ms. Priscilla Ray, Assistant Principal

    Areas of Responsibility
    Student Last Names: A-D
    Departments: ELA, Foreign Language, MTSS, PBIS, Section 504
    (E): Priscilla.Ray@henry.k12.ga.us

Last Modified on July 15, 2024