• Making Conneections

    Posted by Roxann Evans on 3/14/2020

    Let's help our young Mathematicians to make connections, math is all around us. Think how many ways we use math in our daily lives. We are all Mathematicians!!! 

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  • Importance of Number Talks

    Posted by Roxann Evans on 7/22/2018

    Did you know that Number Talks support students understanding of developing number sense? This will further their understanding of the concepts of the different operations they are expected to perform efficiently (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Please engage your students in Number Talks EVERYDAY!!

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  • Welcome to my Blog!

    Posted by Roxann Evans on 7/21/2018
    Please feel to email/ask me questions related to math or just stop by to tell me what you are doing in math. I'd love to hear from you!math book
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